A fair amount of cases where the State is alleging illegal possession of a gun relies heavily upon DNA evidence. DNA evidence is the most accurate of all forensic evidence. And prosecutors often think their case is ironclad if they have DNA evidence. And much of the public also thinks DNA tests are a simple equation. If someone’s DNA is on an object, they must have handled the object. However, the accuracy of a DNA test is very different from being able to figure out why someone’s DNA is where it is located.

​The reason for this is DNA transfer. If DNA is found on a knife, it does not necessarily mean that the person who’s DNA is on the knife actually touched it. For years experts hemmed and hawed on the probabilities on this issue. Some thought it was possible, but something that was not very probable. However, in the past 10 years there have been studies to show how easy DNA transfer is. One study revealed DNA transfer on a knife in 85% time. If you are being charged based on DNA, it is important to contact a criminal defense attorney who is knowledgeable in this area.

​Each case is different and requires a close analysis of the facts. If you are being charged with a gun crime, you likely do not want a DWI lawyer. You want somebody who focuses on defending gun crimes to craft the best defense for your drug case. Call Subzero Criminal Defense today. 651-248-5142.