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Fines in Gun Cases

A conviction for a gun crimes may result in court imposed fines. The fine will depend on the type of gun case and what the judge decides. 


  1. Carrying/Possessing a Gun 

    1. Ineligible Felon in Possession of a Firearm

    2. Ineligible Possession of a firearm for a qualified misdemeanor

    3. Carrying a Firearm without a Permit

    4. Possession on school property or other prohibited areas

    5. Possession While Intoxicated

    6. Unlawful Weapons to Possess

  2. Threatening with a Gun

    1. Threats of Violence

    2. 2nd Degree Assault (fear)

  3. Shooting a Gun

    1. 2nd Degree Assault (bodily harm)

    2. 1st Degree Assault

    3. Reckless Discharge of a Firearm

    4. Drive By Shooting

    5. Murder/Manslaughter

  4. Selling, Transferring, or Transporting Guns

  5. Miscellaneous Other Gun Charges

1. Carrying/ Possessing a Gun

1.1 Ineligible Felon in Possession of a Firearm (Minn. Stat. 624.713)


​The maximum fine is $30,000. 


1.2. Ineligible Possession of a firearm for a qualified misdemeanor (Minn. Stat. 624.713)


The maximum fine is $3,000.


1.3 Carrying a Firearm without a Permit (Minn. Stat. 624.714)


The maximum fine is $3,000.


1.4 Possession on school property or other prohibited areas (Minn. Stat. 609.66)


The maximum fine is $10,000.


1.5 Possession While Intoxicated (Minn. Stat. 624.7142)


The maximum fine is $3,000.​


1.6 Unlawful Weapons to Possess (Minn. Stat. 609.67; 609.712)


 The maximum fine is $35,000.

3. Shooting a Gun

3.1 2nd Degree Assault (bodily harm)


The maximum fine is $20,000.


3.2 1st Degree Assault


The maximum fine is $40,000.



2. Threatening with a Gun

2.1 Threats of Violence (Minn. Stat. 609.713)


The maximum fine is $10,000.


2.2 2nd Degree Assault (fear)


The maximum fine is $14,000.


4. Selling, Transferring, or Transporting Guns

The legislature recently made modifications to crimes in this area. Please call Subzero Criminal Defense to discuss whether the news laws change your case. 651-248-5142

5. Miscellaneous Other Offenses

There are many other drug offenses where fines can be imposed. There is not enough space here to go over every single gun offense. If you have questions about your specific offense, contact Subzero Criminal Defense. 651-248-5142. 

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